Ghost will automatically implement structured data for your publication using JSON-LD to further optimise your content.

You can test that the structured data schema on your site is working as it should using Google’s structured data tool.

Code Injection

This tool allows you to inject code on a per post or page basis, or across your entire site. This means you can modify CSS, add unique tracking codes, or add other scripts to the head or foot of your publication without making edits to your theme files.

To add code site-wide, use the code injection tool in the main admin menu. This is useful for adding a Facebook Pixel, a Google Analytics tracking code, or to start tracking with any other analytics tool.

To add code to a post or page, use the code injection tool within the post settings menu. This is useful if you want to add art direction, scripts or styles that are only applicable to one post or page.

From here, you might be interested in managing some more specific admin settings!

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